Nacht suchen und ein paar fund...

Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 08. Dezember 2006, 19:48:47

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

I was on a business trip all week to an old area where the Celts were, many of the small medieval towns date to the 800s around here.  Received permission to detect a nice flat field at a farm not far from the hotel.  Told the farmer I would be detecting at night with a headlamp as I didn't get off work until 05:00/1700, he laughed and gave weird look.  Only got out for one night hunt on the field for about an hour.  Here's the finds, a poor condition 1875, a WWII zinc 5 Pfenning coin and a clay marble.  Was surprised I spotted the marble at night but it was plain as day under my light and we have had a lot of rain.  Also bought a used Minelab X-Terra 70 with 3 coils, should have it in about 10 days.  HH, Mike

Bavaria Mike

Wie alt kann der marmor sein, weist jemand?  Ich hab noch 2 stueck gefunden in einer keller von ein waffen fabrik.  MFG, Mike