Schoene fund von WKII, mann kann es nicht andern...

Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 10. Februar 2007, 20:27:30

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

I got out this afternoon for about 2.5 hours with Florian, a detecting friend who lives close by.  He just bought a new detector, a Gmax II XP made in France.  It is a nice lightweight machine but he paid big $$$ for it and they did give him a good trade in on his White's Prizm IV.  We weren't finding much until it started to rain, LOL!  I found a nice hot spot that gave up several military relics in a 20'X20' area but they were deep.  The grass field was saturated with water and the holes were filling up fast, the mud was sloppy like goop.  Florian cracked a funny joke and said he was digging a pond so I added if he didn't find anything maybe he will catch some fish, had to be there, LOL!  Florian found an old brooch and two WWII zinc coins, he was digging everything trying to figure out his new detector.  I was lucky and found some swastikas.  Here's the finds.  A few relics, zinc button, part of a brooch with pin intact, a nice button with an old style eagle until I found it, nicked it, sob!  A heavy disc that may have been a brooch, looks like it had a pin on the reverse.  A harness ring and a zinc WWII 1 Pfennig coin in poor condition.

Obverse of a fair condition 1851 Austrian ½ Kreuzer coin.

Reverse of the 1851.

This pin made my day better, second one I have found, is missing the pin on the reverse.  Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei / NSDAP / Nazi Party. 

This pin made my day!  A German eagle holding a swastika.  Have always wanted to find an intact pin like this and it has the mounting pins intact as well. Made of aluminum, to bad it was not silver.  Right wing has a slight bend in it and a spot of rust, not complaining, just describing.

Reverse of the Nazi pins.

I'm not sure what this is but it reminds me of a military sword hangar.  Has a lions head and the hook looks like a snake or swans head at the tip.  Made of brass and is 9cm/3.5" wide with hook.  I will have to research it.  Had a great day detecting.  HH, Mike


"I'm not sure what this is but it reminds me of a military sword hangar."

hier das Gegenstück dazu,15399.0.html


you've found a NSDAP-Members-Badge and an eagle of a german officers-Cap.
I think you have to cover the svastikas...
Nice founds :super: