Noch ein glass perlen, ein silberling, paar kupfer and viel andere fund...

Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 26. November 2006, 12:19:05

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

Detected for about 5 hours today and the weather was great again.  Celebrated a low keyed Thanksgiving lunch with the family and In-laws.  Had an imported American smoked ham, mashed taters, green beans and coleslaw, it was tasty and I pigged out!  I'm making a pot of green beans, potatoes and onions with the bone and the rest of the ham tomorrow, even tastier.  Had a small incident on the field today, as I hit the edge of the field a nice Mercedes van drove up, a guy gets out and walks over to me and demandingly asks what I am doing, I said metal detecting, he said what is that thing, I said a metal detector and it detects metal and it is my hobby.  I asked if he would like to see some of my finds and he just looked at me, I was already on edge with his attitude but pulled out some musket balls and coins to show him, he gave a quick glance at the finds then said, are you allowed to do this?  I said yes, I have a permit, then he turned around and walked back to his car, did not say thanks or goodbye or anything, what a jerk off!  Wasn't his field as I know the owner and his license plate is not from here.  Oh well, I went back to detecting, great being 101 percent legal as I have no fears detecting and here's the finds.  Found another glass bead today, a very small white bead, a small glass button, a blue glass button, the little black glass half with some design was probably a button and the green glass ring I thought was something special, I picked it up and marveled over it for a few seconds then turned it over to find it is a broken off bottle top however, a very old bottle top as it is not very uniform.

I'm getting rich in musket balls if that's possible, here are seven large calibers and I'm not sure what the handle looking thing is.  Looks like bronze as it has held up well.

Two tags, a button, a tag placed in the ear of a cow, not sure what the little crushed thing is with the red glass and that thing in the middle looks like it was part of a buckle, kind of neat!

Six coins, some of the dates are 1935, 1918 and 1892.

A copper 1812 Austrian 1 Kreuzer.

Reverse of the 1812.

A nice little 1806 copper 1 Heller in decent condition, I thought it was from Hildesheim but the coat of arms on the reverse is different from Hildesheim.  The obverse.

Reverse of the 1806.

A very small Bavarian 1840 silver 1 Kreuzer.  It was deep and had the ground not been so wet I probably would not have detected it.  The obverse.

Reverse of the silver 1840.  It was another great day out there.  HH, Mike

Bavaria Mike

Danke NDH, hab es gefunden in Muenz buch wegen deine ID!  MFG, Mike


servus Mike, das spangenähnliche Bronzeteil welches  Du als "handle"- ähnlich bezeichnet hast-  solltest Du  Deinem Archäologen mal zeigen.
Vielleicht könnte es sich um Teile eine Bronzehortes handeln.
Aber dies ist nur eine vage Vermutung. Es gibt zwar hauptsächlich Ösenhalsspangen  aber Andere hab ich auch schon gesehen...
(Es ist zwar schade dass dieser Herr auf dem Acker so unfreundlich war, dennoch finde ich es gut wenn sich jemand den Mut nimmt und darum kümmert ob jemand unbefugt und  in plündernder Absicht  sich an unseren letzten "Vorgeschichtsurkunden" vergreift. Aber in dieser Art - wie er- sollte man es halt nicht machen)

Schöne Funde
Alles Gute
Die Hoffnung trübt das Urteil, aber sie stärkt die Ausdauer.

Bavaria Mike

OOOOhhh vielen dank Edi!!!!  Das wollt ich auch sagen das es ist von die bronze zeit gekommen.  Das Barr ist gemacht so und nicht abgebrochen.  Bist du ein Archaeologin oder sondengaenger?  Ist mir egal.  Weist du wie die war benutzt?  Als geld oder wechsel material?  Vielen dank fuer deine meinung, es konnte meine jahr machen, Bronze zeit!!!  MFG, Mike