Der Nebel und ein paar fund...

Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 15. Januar 2007, 20:01:52

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

Today was a very foggy day!  Thought I would detect through a plowed field then onto a grass field at the end to clean off the boots, plan worked but I did not find much.  Only found a musket ball on the plowed field, the mud was sticking real bad and I was glad to get off of it.  The grass field is a slow area with minimal targets and a lot of iron, was a farm/hotel and had 4 large barns where I was detecting.  The site is over 1000 years old and one of the first homesteads in the area, very close to where I found my gold coin.  Here's the pictures and finds.  The field with a heavy layer of fog.  I enjoy detecting in the heavy fog for some reason and like it even better at night.

The finds.  A musket ball, a lead seal with the Bavarian coat of arms, another musket ball, a lead bullet and a very unusual lead bullet.  The unusual bullet was a pioneer trial at making the type of bullets we use today inserted into a casing, mid 1800s but I am not sure.  I have a few of these bullets that vary in shape and style, they were short lived.  We had a Gun factory in the town where I detect from the mid 1600s to the mid 1800s, I assume some of these unusual bullets come from the development of the weapons designed and built here.  I have detected around the gun factory and in the cellar of the main building, did not find much but will get back there again sometime.  My son's best friend parents own/live in the building.

A metal button with a glass insert and a cufflink with a glass face.  Had a good time out there!  HH, Mike