Ein feld mit spass...

Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 11. März 2007, 22:19:35

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

Did about five hours on this field over the weekend, it is a flood zone, stream at the end of the field.  I figured there would be a lot of trash but, there was very little trash and many finds.

The surface finds, a few pieces of glass beads, glass button, an intact clay pipe bowl and my first, an odd seal made of glass, and a styles that could have been for writing.

A torso, two religious pendants and five buttons, two of the buttons look to be military.

Relics, upper right is an intact crotal bell, below is a broken bell.

More relics, a small army wagon made in England, a silver utensil handle marked .800.

Found several interesting lead finds.

More lead, cool Carp fish in the middle, upper right is a clay marble and not a musket ball.

25 coins, oldest was an 1800 and average was 1875.

Learn by my mistake.  I found this coin folded in half earlier this week, tried to clean it today and bent it open just for a little peak.  Well it let go and I nearly broke it in two.  I should have heated it first.  It is a 1667 silver coin, OUCH!

Reverse of the 1667 silver, date at the bottom.  Sorry about the vague explanations of the finds. HH, Mike

And my puppy dogs, a Husky (Cordie) and a Collie German Shepard mix (Rex), I call them both Hound Dog and they always come, LOL!


Servus Mike, as far I can see :the darker, blue glass bead could be older.  In my findings  similar shaped and coloured  beads  were datet as: "Frühmittelalterliche Tonnenperle".  It is always difficult to date by some pixel... your local LDA will  eventually be  pleased to see these thing.
Bis bald
Die Hoffnung trübt das Urteil, aber sie stärkt die Ausdauer.


Hallo Mike,

das Aufbiegen von mittel- bis schlechthaltigen Silbermünzen (Billon) ist immer problematisch. Nach meiner Erfahrung kann man erst ab einem Silbergehalt von 700/1000 gefaltete Silbermünzen gefahrlos zurückbiegen. Zumindest waren das dann diejenigen, die ganz geblieben sind. ;-)

Adios, Bert


wenn man sie vorher mit einem kleinen brenner heiss macht geht das auch gans wunder bar  :zwinker:


Die gefalteten Münzen kann man auch beim Goldschmied wieder gerade biegen lassen.



ja stimmt das kann man machen..der macht die auch mit dem brenner heiss   :-D