500 jahre altes fuss weg...

Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 15. Januar 2007, 10:33:59

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

Got out with my friend Florian this afternoon for about 4 hours.  We detected a 500 year old trail that connects a 1000 year old church to a 500 year old monastery.  It was a beautiful day around 49F/9C.  I have had permission to detect this forest for more than two years but just never made it there, bought some firewood from the owner.  Here is the old church, it is only a few hundred years old but it is built over the foundations of a 1000 year old church.

The monastery off in the distance.

Picture of me with a big smile as I just knew we were going to find some good stuff.  We went to a field after about 2.5 hours of detecting as the finds were few and the terrain here is rough.

There were several stone markers along the way like this one.

Florian found two 1850ish copper coins, a silver 1854 coin and a cross.  I found the following, three glass beads and a glass button.

A few relics, small piece of chain, an old buckle, what is left of a bell, a bullet, a small grease fitting and a whatsit.

A handy 4 pack of live bullets, look to be American WWII.

And a few more relics and coins, 1800 copper Austrian coin, button, crusty 1930ish zinc coin, two lead seals and a canvas button.  It was a good day out with a friend but we did not find anything great.  HH, Mike


Schöne Funde Mike, meinen Glückwunsch :super:

Aber wie ist das mit den Glasperlen? Zeigt die auch Dein Detektor an oder liegen die obenauf?

GF Schliemann


the church in the 2nd picture; is it "Vierzehnheiligen" ?

Greetings  :hacker: :winke:
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