3 tage suchen, 6+ stunden, 2 silber/1750...

Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 03. Dezember 2006, 21:10:16

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

Had a good weekend of detecting, a good 6 hours!  Saturday was a cold day, 37F/2C with wind on an open field, was good to see I could hang in the rough climate and know I can go into more extreme.   Sunday after trimming some hedges in a light rain I was able to get out.  Employed my 17 yr old son who never has enough pocket money, LOL, and we got it done in time for me to have about 2.5 hours today in the sunshine that came in the afternoon.  Ground was a little frozen but still easy digging.  Here's the finds in short, some buttons, two black glass and a blue glass in a metal frame.

10 musket balls and lower right is half of a clay marble.

3 more musket balls, a lead seal, a lead bullet and another clay marble intact.

A few relics.

A few more relics, button, thimble, ring, aluminum religious medallion.

6 of the coins, 18??, 1842, 1924, 1922, 1911.

A nice surprise, obverse of an 1881 .900 silver 1 Deutsch Mark in good condition.  Almost missed it when I realized I had gotten off course from my grid line, went back and detected the section I missed between rows and found the silver.  Same size as an American Quarter.

Reverse of the 1881.

I finally broke into the 1700s on this field with 1750 Bavarian King Maximilian silver 3 Kreuzer coin.  It is in poor to good condition, thought it was a copper when I found it as it was very corroded.   I stopped cleaning it with silver cleaner when I could see the date.  Obverse.

Reverse if the 1750.  On the lower legend the date of 17 is at the 0700 position, (3) at the 0600 position and 50 at the 0500 position.  HH, Mike


Hey Mike

3 Kreuzer Bayern 1750 gibt es nicht.

Muss 1751, 1752 oder 1754 sein.

Deine 1 Mark wurde im Karlsruhe geprägt und hat
ne Stückzahl von 426.000.


Bavaria Mike

Hallo Sondenmichel, ich kann es nicht erklaren aber, ist einer 1750, kann nichts anderes sien und ist schoen klar im bild denk ich?  Ich hab es gut unter lupe gesehen.  Kann es einer seltoner munz sein?  Wo hast du deine info bekommen?  Ich hab das buch "Standard Catalog of German Coins 1601 to present including colonial issues"  Ist nicht drin.  Danke fuer die hilfe und MFG, Mike 



Habe meine Infos auch aus dem German Coins
und da gibt es keine 3 Kreuzer Bayern 1750.



Der Krause ist ja sowieso nur bedingt zu empfehlen, für das 18. Jh. ist immer noch der Schön vorzuziehen.
@Mike: nice haul of finds again, the thimble seems to be very interesting: probably medieval.