1 stunde = interessant...

Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 23. März 2007, 23:00:03

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

Had a vacation day today, use or lose vacation day and I was not about to lose it, LOL!  Woke up this morning to 4" of snow, Argh, I did not shovel it!  By mid morning it was in the low 40sF/6.5C and the snow was melting.  I had a full day of errands and car inspections, just over $200.00 to tell me I have a few minor problems on the cars, what a maintenance pig this German Audi is, last Audi for me!  Got through the day, most of the snow melted off and I had a good hour of daylight left so I went to a grass field I have hunted a lot.  About ½" of water lying on the field, it was muddy but I made a few finds on this hard hunted field.  Here's the relics, part of a pewter buckle, an unusual lead button, even the intact shank is lead.  Part of a lead seal, a bullet, a 1911 1 Pfennig coin and a musket ball hit by the plow.

The left piece may have been a religious pendant, has some vague lettering on both sides.  The right piece looks to be a coin weight with a crown on it, very small, a pea would sit on it with only the corners exposed, 10mm X 9mm and it was a good 4" down and sounded good to the XT70.

Dug this coin up and thought it was play money.  After cleaning it up I realized it was a real coin made of aluminum.  It is a Hungarian 1 Pengö coin dated 1942 and minted in Budapest, mint mark BP just above the date.  To the right of the date in fine print is the word "Bepänd", no idea what it means.

Reverse of the 1 Pengö coin.  I had a good hour on the field and a great way to end the day.  HH, Mike


Hey Mike

Diesen Pengö hatte ich auch mal
aus einem bayerischen Acker gegraben.

War mal ne Abwechslung zum "Sich Regen bringt Segen"

