grüne Scherbe mit Vögel

Begonnen von greg27, 10. August 2012, 11:05:51

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



I found this fragment of a green bottle. Without the birds, it never would have caught my attention. After having looked better at this piece, I even discovered some letters.

These letters are: R E in upper right corner (only half of the R is visible, but I'm pretty sure it has to be R) and probably A in lower right corner. The birds seem like pigeons to me, but of that I'm not sure.

I live in Belgium, so the bottle can be French, British, German or ... This shard was found in a field where I allready have found several bottles dating 1900-1920, but I don't know whether this one is from the same period. Two of the bottles that I found there were German: a German Bitters bottle and an old Rheinweinflasche.

Can someone give me more information on this?


ps You can answer me in German, because I understand quite a bit. It's writing that is the problem.




is it possible, that re are the last letters of a word? it seems, that between r an e there is a smaller space than after the e ...
Tout est chaos
Tous mes idéaux : des mots abimés
Je suis d'une géneration désenchantée
(Mylène Farmer - Désenchantée)


Zitat von: ChristophNRW in 02. September 2012, 21:18:19
is it possible, that re are the last letters of a word? it seems, that between r an e there is a smaller space than after the e ...

Good remark. You are probably right. Are there German words ending like that? In Dutch we don't have many words ending like that, but I know in French this is common. It could be bière (Bier), cidre (Apfelschaumwein), poire (Birne), ...


there are German words which end with -re,
as "Fähre", "Sperre", maybe "Beere", which is a fruit suitable for bottled juices and wines ...
as  "Erdbeere" (strawberry) , but also French or English words are possible

even the fruit "Vogelbeere" , usually regarded as poison in my memory,
seems to be suitable for wines ... as far as I can trust google
Tout est chaos
Tous mes idéaux : des mots abimés
Je suis d'une géneration désenchantée
(Mylène Farmer - Désenchantée)


Today I received an interesting mail from someone that works in a French beer (bottle) museum. He didn't recognize the piece, but he said this:

1. He is pretty sure it is a beer bottle
2. He thinks that RE is followed by an I. That would make REI ==>Brauerei. This is not impossible. The I would then be just where the glass broke (maybe a little bit further than you would expect)
3. He suggested to focus on Germany.


What I did next: I googled brauerei drei Tauben

(because there are 3 pigeons on the piece of glass)

This came out:

(original website:

Unfortunately it ends here. No picture or extra info. Is this the origin of my bottle? I really don't know. Am I right that "Brauerei zu den drei Tauben" means that the brewery was named The three Pigeons? (Or does the word Taube means other things as well?)

If anyone can find more information about this brewery, I would be very grateful.

@ChristophNRW: Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühe


Zitat von: greg27 in 04. September 2012, 21:24:49

@ChristophNRW: Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühe

you´re welcome  :prost:

and finally you did a better and more successful work than I did  :schaem:
Tout est chaos
Tous mes idéaux : des mots abimés
Je suis d'une géneration désenchantée
(Mylène Farmer - Désenchantée)


ZitatWhat I did next: I googled brauerei drei Tauben

(because there are 3 pigeons on the piece of glass)

This came out:

(original website:

Unfortunately it ends here. No picture or extra info. Is this the origin of my bottle? I really don't know. Am I right that "Brauerei zu den drei Tauben" means that the brewery was named The three Pigeons? (Or does the word Taube means other things as well?)

If anyone can find more information about this brewery, I would be very grateful.

I mailed the owner of this site. He said my bottle can't be from this brewery. The brewery only used the name of the three doves until 1881, and they didn't use bottles like that at the time.

He suggested to focus on Belgian breweries, of which there were more than 1.000 :zwinker:

So this means that the search continues...