Ernte dank fest, schnelle 1.5 stunde...

Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 27. November 2008, 22:46:02

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

I cooked a 5 lb boneless ham, cheesy scalloped potatoes and green beans for Thanksgiving, only thing missing was the cornbread and cranberries.  Saved the Turkey for Christmas as I was the only one off work today, kids in school and wifey on the run doing errands and taking Maw in law to the Doc for a check up.  It was more of a fancy lunch, all the Germans snubbed their noses at such an awesome meal but they ate it or at least picked at it.  I pigged out on such good vittles and plenty of leftovers "ALL FOR ME".  I was hurtin after eating so went out detecting for about 1.5 hours.  Still have 3" of snow on the fields but it was a balmy 35F/2.5C, no wind and a little sun, seemed warm really and I had a good hunt.  Only found 2 early 1900s coins, a finger ring with a heart, a whatsit and a few doodads. 

I was asked to post a bigger picture of the heart bracelet clasp, obverse.

Reverse side.  HH, Mike