Looking for analogy/dating for the mount

Begonnen von pawlor, 15. August 2008, 01:50:21

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema



I'm looking for analogy for these mounts (below you can see 4 different examples, dimensions circa 1,5-2cm). They're frequent detector finds in Poland, however to my best knowledge there is a lack of published analogies therefore the dating of such mount is based only on the typology of the shield (late medieval?).
Maybe someone will notice similar object in  book, article or catalogue...I would be grateful.



Hi Pawel, although I already haven't seen any analogies to these mounts, I would say it is about belt mounts/fittings dating to the 13th/14th century AD.


Schnallinger thank you again  :winke: !

Below I present two artefacts that also belong to "frequently found/lack of documented analogy" category.

First one (three different examples) is possibly some clothing fastener? in the form of angel. dimensions ca. 3,5cm.
Frequent and specific find from Schlesischen Kriegen context. Only "female" type is known for me but likely "male" type exists.

Second one (two different examples) is mount but the object to which was attached (e.g belt, harness, quiver and so on and so on...) remains unknown. It can be also suspected that it is  likely postmedieval mount. Dimensions ca.3,5 cm.

Concerning both objects (and also this first medieval mount), I searched long time thorough hudge number of the different on -line and printed sources..unfortunately with "null" results. Its strange concerning popularity of these finds.

I'm looking for every information (from catalogue, book, article, museum, art gallery...) that can confirm attribution and dating of these artifacts.


Best regards,