Petschaft/siegel und mehr...

Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 05. September 2007, 22:23:26

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

Yesterday I detected the field where I found 4 silver coins a few days ago for about two hours, just a few lead seals, another 1924 Brass Aluminum coin and a button.  Still have more than half of that field to detect but I try to save grass fields for bad weather conditions.  There was an old gravestone, 1857, at the top of this small hill, I use it as a reference point to help grid.  I was half way down the hill and looked for it to reference is gone.  Next time I am in town I will ask about it.  Went to a lightly plowed field today for about 2 hours and found a nice surprise.  Here's the finds from yesterday and today.  The lead, 3 lead bag seals, an extra large clothing seal with a "D" on the obverse and a musket ball.  Found two musket balls but I dropped one and it rolled under the washing machine after cleaning the finds, I know where it is, LOL.

A few relics, not sure what the two top pieces are, I have found others like them.  The dog looks like a buckle of sort, this is the second one I have found and I think the other one came from this same field.  It is almost 3"/7.5 cm wide.

A plain button, found several not pictured.  A small hasp, another whatsit and a nice annular buckle in the center, buckle book dates it from 1350-1720, probably 1719, LOL.

Obverse of 5 coins, 1848, 1924, 1924, 1938 Czechoslovakian and a 1925.

Reverse of the coins.

This was a nice surprise, a seal matrix in excellent condition.  Unfortunately, probably not older than 200 years old but that's OK.  A strange coincidence that I found it today as a forum friend ask me to post some pictures of the seal matrixes I have found, posted two seals this morning I found in the past, went detecting and found this seal matrix.  I hope he asks to see my gold coin, LOL.  I mirrored the image, top legend "Johann Puruker", bottom legend "Seybothenreuth", center initials "J.P".  Seybothenreuth is a town close to where I live.  I did some internet research and found the Archive in the town is open on Tuesdays from 0500-0700 PM on Tuesdays.  It is very possible to date this seal exactly and find out who Johann Puruker was.  Will be a good winter project after it freezes.

Top of the seal matrix, American Dime for size reference.

The nice stamp the seal makes in some silly kind of putty.  HH, Mike