neue siegel

Begonnen von mbil11, 14. Mai 2002, 12:27:01

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hello Leute

Two weeks ago i had to luck to find my 5th seal matrix (siegel). it's a very special one because it has no name on it but a sentence "AVE MARIA GRACIA" . The seal is dated end 14th, begin 15th century. It's found on a place were was a medieval monestery. The local archeologists believe this is the secon (gegen-siegel) from the monestery. Last week i updated my site with a lot of finds from this archeological dig. Take a look at:

Have fun. best regards Michiel

do some good finds :jumpg::jumpr::jumpb:


here a print of the seal


Hi Michiel,

Congratulations, great find! I'm still dreaming of my FIRST medieval seal matrix...
I had a look at your homepage and was surprised that you don't clean the coins you have found, not even the silver ones!
Don't you like cleaned coins or do you find too many of them for a decent restauration?:-D
In what kind of soil (clay, loam, sand etc.) have you found your bronze objects ?
They seem to be in good shape, despite a lack of cleaning...:-D

Kind regards,


Hi Bert

Your medieval seal matrix will come, believe me. For me this was the first to find inside of a town. The other four are found on agricultural fields.
About the cleaning. No i do not clean my finds. There are good and bad finds. Good finds you find in a clean condition. What comes bad out of the ground i usually don't clean.  It also has to do with the quantitys of the finds. It's noral for me that i find more than 100 coins a week(and lots and lots of other finds). It is not possible for me to clean all those things. The very special finds like (this) seal matrix(es), badges, my chandler i bring to a professional. This seal was in very bad condition when found. I brought it to the local archeological survey and they gave it to a man. He cleaned it for 30 euro (incl. Big picture and the print). All the silver coins i clean myself. All finds from before 1600 and not to bad condition i clean to.  Here the archeologists always tell me it's better not to clean. Silver coins are more worth when black then after cleaning. The roman bronze coins are very condition because they are found after an archeological dig on a mountain. Here the roman bronze coins are very poor.
I live here in the south-west of Holland (Vlissingen, Zeeland), so my soil is very salt clay. So normally the finds from here are in very poor condition.

Best regards Michiel:jump1::jump2: