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Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 19. November 2005, 19:19:51

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

Detected this grass field today for about two hours.  The house in the background is said to have been a toll house/gate where travelers had to pay to enter this area back in the medieval and later days.  The plowed fields were way too muddy today as about ½ an inch of snow melted off by noon.

I found two lead pieces, a lead seal and an ornate piece, the lead seal on the left I found yesterday evening.

Obverse of two 1924 coins I found.

Reverse of the coins.

Found this huge copper coin, 33mm across.  I think it is Austrian, the obverse shows a bust facing right, almost looks like 1783 at the bottom.

Reverse of the copper.  Thanks for looking and HH, Mike