3 stunden suchen und eine knopf...

Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 05. Dezember 2005, 21:49:19

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

The temperature has been above freezing the past three days, the fields thawed and some of the snow has melted off.  Between 3 hours and 2 night hunts, this button is the only keeper I found but it was great being out there detecting.  The button looks to be a French military button,
possibly 1790ish, I really have no idea but the French were here in this area then.  Here's the obverse.

The reverse, top inner legend reads "AM 8 or & C", at the 09:00 and 03:00 positions are a miniature of the obverse and the bottom inner legend says "PARIS".  I don't get too excited over buttons but military buttons are special.  Any ID help would be appreciated.  HH and thanks for looking, Mike



Perhaps this links could help: http://www.sucherforum.de/index.php?topic=10072.0
Rechtschreibreform?? Nicht mit mir!

Mad Matz

Hallo Bavaria Mike,

I Think you are right with 18th century and military french
I continue with german because my English is too bad
I hope you can understand me ...

Ich denke es ist ein Miltärischer Grenadiersknopf
Mitte bis ende 18tes Jhd müßte hinkommen

Ich verschiebe das zwecks genauer Bestimmung nach Knöpfe

Gruß Matze :-)
Sonde : Whites IDX Pro Turbo
Cam: Olympus E-3


Gruß Micha


To my opinion this knob is dated between 1871 and 1930.
Greetings  :hacker: :winke:
Das Sucherforum dankt all denen,
die zum Thema nichts beitragen konnten
und dennoch geschwiegen haben !

Bavaria Mike

Danke alle fuer die hilfe.  Der knopf ist sicher ein Franzosischen Grenadier knopf, 1871-1916.  MFG, Mike