Sondengänger in England: The unsung heroes of Britain's heritage

Begonnen von jason, 22. Januar 2007, 23:05:34

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Hallo Sondler,

bin zwar reiner Goldsucher aber ich hab da was für euch aus England. Nämlich dickes Lob vom englischen Kulturminister für die Sondengänger:


Rise in golden treasure found by UK amateurs
15:07:42 GMT, 18 January, 2007
There has been a spectacular increase in the amount of gold treasure found in the UK by amateurs wielding metal detectors, according to reports.

By law, all gold, bronze and silver discoveries made by hobbyists have to reported to the authorities in the UK who have noted a 25 per cent rise in finds lately from 426 items in 2005 to 506 items in 2006.

David Lammy, the minister of culture, says that metal detector enthusiast are "the unsung heroes of Britain's heritage" and despite some archaeologists taking offence to what they see as looters, they often do play a big part in finding golden artefacts.

Hobbyists tend to find smaller, but still important, items which help to define eras of history.

Neil MacGregor, who directs the British Museum, told The Guardian: "We now have a situation without parallel in Europe.

"Without doubt these finds are rewriting history."


So sieht also die offizielle Seite in England die Sondengängerei. Das wird man hier in Deutschland nie erreichen wie mir scheint.

Gruss jason

Bavaria Mike

Das ist einer super fair system, die gesezte sind wunderbar!  War sonden in Colchester um Nov 2004, super!  MFG, Mike