
Sondenfunde => Neuzeitliche Funde => Thema gestartet von: Bavaria Mike in 26. November 2006, 22:02:47

Titel: 2 silber, ein neue glass perlen, vieleicht ein gold ring, und viele andere fund
Beitrag von: Bavaria Mike in 26. November 2006, 22:02:47
Had a great two hours on the field although, the first 30 minutes was dead.  Finally hit a small 1835 silver and shortly afterwards an 1851 copper, renewed faith of the field, I needed that!  Weather was great for this time of year once again and made my three day weekend.  Here's the finds.  Another glass bead but, a newer bead in the shape of a heart beside the white bead I found yesterday.   Was hard to get a picture, the heart shaped bead is a light blue and I either applied too much light or not enough.
Some of the relics, an ornate whatsit, a silver plated spoon, a black round ring looking thing with the loop broken off, and old razor, half of a jingle bell and part of a purse clasp.
A few more relics and a blackened ring in the center, the ring could be 9K gold as I can see a goldish color under the patina and it is very hard.
A nice 50 gram scale weight with many quality control stamps, must have been used for many years before it was lost.
An 1851 Austrian 1 Kreuzer coin, obverse.
Reverse of the 1851 with a double headed eagle.
A very small 1835 silver Bavarian 1 Kreuzer coin from King Ludwig the 1st. Obverse.
Reverse of the 1835.
And the oldest silver coin of the past few hunts, an 1808 silver 6 Kreuzer coin from King Maxmillian Joseph in good condition.  The obverse.
Reverse of the 1808 silver.  This was probably my last day hunt for awhile, might get a night hunt in over the next few days but, I'm off on business with work for the next 3 weeks after that into Celtic country.  Hope to get some detecting time in while away on business.  HH, Mike