
Sondenfunde => Neuzeitliche Funde => Thema gestartet von: Bavaria Mike in 26. August 2007, 11:35:54

Titel: Silber muenz, zirkel...
Beitrag von: Bavaria Mike in 26. August 2007, 11:35:54
I was able to get about 3 hours in today, more fields to detect than I have time for.  Hit two fields that have produced over the years and found a few late 1800s coins then went to a new field I just received permission for.  The new fields came from a farmer passing by and stopped to ask what I was looking for as I was close to a farm road.  After 10 minutes of conversation, he granted me all his fields in the area.  Most of the finds here came from the new field and the three silver coins.  Here's the lead, half of a lead horseman that looks like he has an MD on his side, half of a musket ball, appears that there was not enough lead to finish the mold, a musket ball, a spindle whorl and two lead seals.
What looks like the butt end of a hilt from a small dagger, I have found 3 or 5 of these now.  A nice pewter button with intact shank, a white glass bead, a clay marble, a small child's ring and a religious looking ring.  I have found several of these type religious rings but not like this one.  Anyone know what the symbol is on the face of the ring?  I have found crosses, Christ on the cross and even a grail/chalice or cup on this style of ring.
A military map divider or a compass, since I'm not sure, I'll go with military map divider.  It is about 3.5" or 90 cm long.
Got lucky with three silver coins, 1835, 1806 and an 1876.  Obverse, dime is for size to show how small some of the silver coins are here.
Reverse of the silver coins.  Hope to get back out there for a few hours today.  HH, Mike
Titel: Re: Silber muenz, zirkel...
Beitrag von: klondyke in 26. August 2007, 12:38:09

denke das dein Zirkel eher eine Stimmgabel ist.
Titel: Re: Silber muenz, zirkel...
Beitrag von: IVVECVO in 26. August 2007, 14:33:32
..........der Ring zeigt eine Gürtelschnalle . Zeit um 1840 .
Titel: Re: Silber muenz, zirkel...
Beitrag von: coinwhisper in 26. August 2007, 14:45:01
schöne funde  :super:
Titel: Re: Silber muenz, zirkel...
Beitrag von: Bavaria Mike in 26. August 2007, 19:10:22
Danke!  Der Zirkel hat eine gelenk und einer loch auf der seite fuer ein schraube oder was.  MFG, Mike
Titel: Re: Silber muenz, zirkel...
Beitrag von: Markus in 26. August 2007, 20:27:14
Ich würde Ihn auch als Zirkel einstufen!
Gelenk ist doch klar erkennbar  :winke: :zwinker:
Titel: Re: Silber muenz, zirkel...
Beitrag von: Störtebecker in 26. August 2007, 20:33:15
ist ein zirkel.
hier meine vergleichsstücke


Titel: Re: Silber muenz, zirkel...
Beitrag von: klondyke in 26. August 2007, 20:48:24
Hab das Gelenk nicht so richtig gesehen.
Titel: Re: Silber muenz, zirkel...
Beitrag von: Bavaria Mike in 27. August 2007, 22:40:19
Danke jungs!  MFG, Mike