Silber muenzen, ein petschaft und viele bilder...

Begonnen von Bavaria Mike, 18. November 2006, 22:49:30

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Bavaria Mike

It was a beautiful day Thursday, not that I got to enjoy it much at work so, I did a night hunt.  Found a few interesting things, button, musket ball and a broken harness mount with a nice design on it.  Here is a field I detected Friday afternoon, have not detected it before.  It came as a package deal when I asked permission to hunt a field and received permission to detect all the farmer's land so I gave it a try.  Found some interesting relics here, a few crusty coins and two glass beads.

We busted butt all week at work and was given Friday afternoon off as compensation as we are doing above and beyond so, I drove to a park named Monte Kaolino with a man made sand ski mountain, camp ground, pool and a huge playground and it's all quartz sand.  This place attracts many people through out the summer and I found over $120.00 (100 Euros) in about 6 hours (2 hunts) last year, my best hunts as far as modern cash coins go.  While driving there I remembered my wife mentioning they were going to start a renovation project to revamp the place but, I thought how bad could it be?  Well, they wiped the place out, took out the pool, removed most of the sand.  The building below is where the huge playground was.  Beyond the buildings is a new pool.  I looked around and started the 50 minute drive back home with my tail between my legs, wimper!  Then I went to the field above.

Where do they get all that sand to make a ski mountain?  From this sand pit, it is massive!  There are two blurry images to the middle right of big back hoes.

Today was a good day on a field beside the field where I found the gold coin!  Have only detected it once due to cropping.  Was a little rough from plowing but not a leg breaker and the dirt being so soft and moist from all the rain we have had made it a prime field for targets.  Here are some of the relics.  Top is a metal pen, some buttons, a train wheel and a few whatsits.

A copper religious pendant with Christ on the cross, a harness mount décor with some interesting design and part of a decorative hinge.

Four musket balls, three crusty zinc WWII coins, an 1889 Pfennig coin and two lead seals.

Two glass beads I found Friday.  Finally found a green bead.

A nice little seal matrix for stamping into a wax seal.  I have mirrored the image so this is what the stamp would look like when pressed into wax, the initials R.A.  Not a very old seal matrix and probably dates from the mid to the late 1800s.  Still an awesome find, very personable find.

Top of the seal matrix with a stem that would have had a wooden handle attached.

Silver coins have eluded me lately so I was happy to pull this 1830 silver coin up, just a bit smaller than an American dime.  The obverse.

Reverse of the 1830, it is a 3 Kreuzer coin with some nice definition as the date really stands out.

My second target on the field, a copper 1794 Pfennig coin.  Condition is fair but, the design and date is still there.  Not bad for a field find with all the acids in the soil.  The obverse.

The reverse of the 1794 with a winged dragon.  Not sure where it is from.

And the last find of the day, a silver Bavarian 6 Kreuzer coin from 1808, a little smaller than an American quarter.  Thought it was a button as it had a shabby black patina on it so I cleaned it with silver cleaner and the details came out much better.

Reverse of the 1808, date at the bottom legend.  Thanks for looking and I hope to get out tomorrow after some chores around the house.  HH, Mike


schöne Story und Bilder :super:
Der Dragon, ist ein Pfennig, der Stadt Rostock von 1794.
Knopf in der unteren Reihe (Nr.3 von rechts), ist vom Deutschen Militär, ca.1900.

Gruß, Tuco :-)

Bavaria Mike


Hallo Mike,
schöne Funde und ein schöner Bericht!
Mit der Datierung der Petschaft liegst du sicherlich richtig.

Adios, Bert

Bavaria Mike