Had an exciting evening and cured some of that cabin fever. I received a call after work asking if I could help find a gold wedding ring. The ring was lost Saturday in a yard by a guy who lives close by, I said I can be there in 15 minutes. I arrived and he showed me where it was lost and how it was lost. The guy sat the ring on the upstairs bathroom window ledge to wash his hands, the window was open. When he picked up the ring, it slipped out of his fingers and out the window, slid down a roof top, over a rain gutter and landed somewhere in the yard. They took the down spout apart, tried dropping washers to see where they landed and a whole lot of raking which drove the ring down to dirt level under the 2" of grass and a little snow. It took me about 5 minutes to find the ring. What a great feeling it is to be able to return something so sentimentally valuable! Here's a picture of the ring. Note I used a natural background for the photo called snow white, LOL.
I was not able to give the ring back to the owner as they had left this morning on vacation. I was working with the Father/in-law. He tried to force a reward on me which I refused but I finally said 5 Euros would more than cover my gas money and it made him feel better about me providing a service. Who are you going call in a situation like that, LOL? He did a good job locating me, he called a big heavy construction company first to see if he could rent or borrow a metal detector, they didn't have one but said they always see a guy detecting in the area, me. Called another person trying to find me and was referred to my Archie friend who gave him my number. Come on spring! HH, Mike
Hey Mike!
I had a very similar experience a few years ago.
A guy lost his wedding ring while cutting his hedge.
He asked me to help him with my detector. "No problem!".....i thougt.
The hedge was grown around an old iron fence. No chance to detect the ring.
So we checked up the whole hedge (ca. 8x2,5 m.) with our hands and eyes.
Took several hours and lots of scratches...but finally we found it!
The guy squeeled with glee (not least because his wife stood next to him with her rolling pin).
Was a funny day.
Hi Mike,
die Punzierung sieht aus wie FB = Franz Breuning/ Pforzheim
Interessant Velvet, das macht spass! Danke Merowech, wo gibt's diese info ueber Goldschmiede? MFG, Mike
Zitat von: Bavaria Mike in 13. Februar 2009, 18:10:11
Danke Merowech, wo gibt's diese info ueber Goldschmiede? MFG, Mike
Ich fürchte, das hat er alles in seinem Kopf. Den müsste man mal aufschrauben .... :kopfkratz:
Zitat von: Luci Fernatas in 06. März 2009, 22:08:03
Zitat von: Bavaria Mike in 13. Februar 2009, 18:10:11
Danke Merowech, wo gibt's diese info ueber Goldschmiede? MFG, Mike
Ich fürchte, das hat er alles in seinem Kopf. Den müsste man mal aufschrauben .... :kopfkratz:
JA das stimmt :zwinker:....aber mein Kopf bleibt zu :frech:.
Franz Breuning ist eine Schmuckfirma in meiner Gegend und ein Mitbewerber :engel:
und da ich fast alle Punzierungen der aktuellen Schmuckhersteller kenne ,kommt eben nur Breuning in Betracht.
Übrigend war die Ausführung des Ringes eine matt / glanz Variation.
Die einzelnen Felder sind mal poliert mal mattiert.
Zitat von: Luci Fernatas in 06. März 2009, 22:08:03
Zitat von: Bavaria Mike in 13. Februar 2009, 18:10:11
Danke Merowech, wo gibt's diese info ueber Goldschmiede? MFG, Mike
Ich fürchte, das hat er alles in seinem Kopf. Den müsste man mal aufschrauben .... :kopfkratz:
könnt micha's kopf ruhig zulassen :zwinker: und schaut mal hier: