
Lesefunde => Keramik, Glas und Porzellan => Thema gestartet von: dirk in 07. März 2006, 00:23:35

Titel: Schussel?
Beitrag von: dirk in 07. März 2006, 00:23:35
Years ago
At activities to a Dutch dike.(new sealevel protection)
There I was for investigate the old ground.
Suddenly I had go to the bathroom.(in the field)
The sulution was against the back of a mount ground.
And there I picked this up from the groud.
Who have any idea,which year the pulp bowl is?



Titel: Re: Schussel?
Beitrag von: wühlmaus in 07. März 2006, 07:48:42
Hi Dirk

its dated 1669. In my opinion a rather early piece of this kind of ceramics. In the 18th century those bowls are quiete usual in our region (lower rhine area). As far as I know, are the years, that are given, commonly no phantasy. You can use them as a fixed date.

A nice eye-find. Congratulations!!!


Titel: Re: Schussel?
Beitrag von: dirk in 07. März 2006, 09:00:45
Goede Morgen,

Indeed wühlmaus ,the dating is correct.
It stands in the decoration in the bowl.
Behind the bird.
You have good eyes.
Thanks for your reaktie.

Another question,i find this week in a other pit also a part of a bowl.
Is this also lower rhine ? (neder rijn) and a date perhaps.

Thanks again,

Groeten van Dirk
Is dit Neder Rijn?Wandfried und Wera?