
Begonnen von Cockney Rebel, 05. Oktober 2010, 18:54:45

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

Cockney Rebel

for private reasons I'll be away from this forum for an indefinite period. All the best to all of you.
Best wishes


Good luck to you  :super:
We will miss your competent comments.  :heul:

Best and warm greetings  :winke:
Das Sucherforum dankt all denen,
die zum Thema nichts beitragen konnten
und dennoch geschwiegen haben !


Hi Cockney,
good luck. i hope you come back
to us.  :winke:


Good luck, wherever you may go. Looking forward to welcome you back again!!!


Good luck Cockney Rebel, I will miss your posts and hope you come back sometimes.

Best wishes
Der Abfall von damals sind die Schätze von heute.


Hallo Cockney,

das ist aber sehr schade, wer soll denn nun meine "Alten" Schnallen so "Jung" einstufen. :zwinker:

Jedoch bin ich voller Hoffnung demnächst wieder von dir zu hören.
Nicht nur ein Scherben (Keramische Fragmente) Sucher sondern auch ein Scherben (Keramische Fragmente) Finder. :-)


Hello Cockney,
Good luck! I hope to read some new postings  from you soon! :winke:
was ich so treibe


Komm bald wieder, werter Kollege! Du hast eine AHNUNG  :heul:
(ich hab mir kürzlich  ne CD  von Cockney Rebel - Best of- bestellt aber da waren alle meine Lieblingslieder von DAMALS nicht drauf- sondern nur SCHROTT- wo gibt es die GUTEN?).
Bis hoffentlich bald
Die Hoffnung trübt das Urteil, aber sie stärkt die Ausdauer.


Dear Cockney,
your withdrawal from the forum is a hard blow for us.

I hope that your private interests, are important and you get these things under control!
It is a pity your posts were always very accurate and you can always bring in a set expression.
Dear Cockney, may I ask you the question why did you come to this decision?

I thank you for the informative time and hope that you are there to allow us again.

The best greetings from the Rheinland,


Cockney Rebel

Dear Söndli,
Thank you for your post.
1. There are no things I have to get under control again.:-)). Everything is fine:-))
2. The reason, why I leave this forum (or only at least read here) is very simple: I am really  fed up with the attitude of a few certain members of this forum. I won't tell you who these people are, but some of the administrators and some well-informed users who know my attitude against these peopl, hopefully know who I mean and understand my withdrawal.


it's a pity, that you leave the forum, or just reading it, because of a few special people.
your identifications were always some of the fastet and exactest ones and not only I miss them.
the bigger leftover of us isn't as bad as the few ones, I bet  :zwinker:
on the other side I understand and accept your decision, but I am hoping, that you'll change your mind someday.

by then
best regards


Hello Cockney,
It's nice to hear it privately going well.
It is very sad that you want to leave us. (But I think your curiosity you bring back)

Respect for your decision. (Even if it is hard)
I just say "goodbye"

All the best and hopefully see you soon,
greetings from Lohmar :winke: :winke:
